Diabetes Mellitus is a group of diseases characterized by high levels of blood glucose resulting from defects in insulin production, insulin action, or both. The chronic hyperglycemia of diabetes is associated with long-term damage, dysfunction, and failure of various organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and blood vessels. The homeopathy treatment for Diabetes Mellitus can help manage diabetes symptoms arising from auto-immune conditions and also helps to reduce dependence on drugs or insulin therapy.
Homeopathy is extremely effective for diabetes symptoms arising from auto-immune conditions and for long-term management of other types of diabetes.
You may be surprised to find that homeopathy is extremely effective for diabetes symptoms arising from auto-immune conditions and for long-term management of other types of diabetes. Homeopathy is safe, effective, and safe for children, pregnant women and diabetics. Homeopathy has been used safely by millions of people with no side effects or harm caused so far. Research studies have also shown that homeopathic medicine can help reduce body weight, improve blood glucose levels in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients while lowering their cholesterol levels as well
In homeopathic treatment, each patient is treated as a unique individual and their ability to respond to the treatment is greatly optimized.
Homeopathy is a holistic medical science that helps in treating Diabetes Mellitus as well as associated symptoms such as polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia. It also improves the patient's overall health and quality of life by treating the root cause of their disease rather than just its symptoms. In homeopathic treatment, each patient is treated as a unique individual and their ability to respond to the treatment is greatly optimized. The individualized homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on a person's constitutional type, past history, inducing factors etc.
In homeopathy, the medicines prescribed are based on a person’s constitutional type, past history, inducing factors etc. Constitutional type: The constitutional type of a person is their physical and mental make-up. It includes such factors as skin colour, hair texture and colour, body build (height & weight), nature of fat accumulation in the body etc. Past history: This is the medical history of a person wherein all illnesses suffered by him/her in past are noted down. Inducing factors: Inducing factors are those lifestyle habits that bring on illness or aggravate an existing one e.g., smoking cigarettes regularly will aggravate lung disease like TB; consuming alcohol increases chances for liver disease; eating fried foods often can worsen hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol).
Homeopathy is safe for you and your family. The medicines are so very dilute that there are no side effects. This means that homeopathy can be used long-term without any fear of side effects. There are several reasons why homeopathy is considered to be a safe method of treatment:
Homeopathy can help manage diabetes symptoms. Homeopathy is a natural and safe treatment option, but it's not a cure for diabetes. It may reduce the symptoms of your disease, however, which will make you feel better overall. In addition to helping manage your blood sugar levels, homeopathy can also help with other common symptoms associated with diabetes such as thirst and hunger. Because homeopathic medicines are made from plants or minerals, they're very gentle on the body—so if you have Type 2 diabetes along with other health issues that require medications like aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil), it's best to talk to your doctor before taking them along with homeopathic remedies.
Homeopathic remedies don't cause negative side effects like some other medications do—and since they use small doses over time instead of large ones all at once like most pharmaceuticals do in order to achieve desired results quickly without any negative consequences later down the road when used improperly or incorrectly prescribed by an inexperienced physician who doesn't know how long-term effects happen outside their own specialty field so make sure that whoever treats you has experience treating people who need these types of treatments regularly enough so they don't become discouraged while trying something new!
In conclusion, Homeopathy is a system of medicine which helps in treating diabetes on the basis of one’s symptoms and constitutional type. Each patient is treated as a unique individual and their ability to respond to the treatment is greatly optimized. The medicines prescribed are based on a person's constitutional type, past history, inducing factors etc.